06-01-2023 Events

Films from Poland – Habitat International Film Festival 2022 

The 3rd edition of the Habitat International Film Festival took place on 6t...
30-12-2022 Events

Ukraine Now : Darkness vs Light. Children Dream about Peace – exhibition

The exhibition Ukraine Now : Darkness vs Light. Children Dream about Peace was ...
30-12-2022 Events

Regional Easter Traditions – Poland and Ukraine

Workshops on making Polish and Ukrainian Easter decorations were held on Saturd...
30-12-2022 Events

The Theatrical Masks exhibition

The Theatrical Masks exhibition by Dr. Joanna Hrk was inaugurated on 7th of Apr...
30-12-2022 Events

POSZTERRA V4 poster touring exhibition 

The exhibition presents posters from the V4 countries, namely from Czechia,...
30-12-2022 Events

The 2022 calendar of the Polish Institute in New Delhi 

The 2022 calendar of the Polish Institute in New Delhi was entirely designed by...
28-12-2022 Events

United with Ukraine

Polish diplomats, employees of Polish Embassy and Polish Institute in New Delhi...
28-12-2022 Events

Solidarity with Ukraine

On February 24, Russian army attacked Ukraine breaking international law, start...
28-12-2022 Events

Theory of Protection project by Darya Koltsova

The United Nations declared 2022 as the International Year of Glass to mark imp...