16.06.2024 - 25.06.2024 News, Science and Education

Recruitment for 2024/25 semester for Polish Schools and schools in the distance education system is now open

The Center for the Development of Polish Education Abroad (ORPEG – Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą) supports and promotes Polish language learning among young Poles abroad. On offer is distance learning (KNO – kształcenie na odległość) and learning in Polish Schools – stationary at embassies and consulates.

Distance education system and Polish Schools offer completely free education in Polish for children residing outside Poland. The high level of education is guaranteed by pedagogical supervision and qualified teachers. Children learn and get to know the world based on a consistent curriculum framework prepared by the Polish Ministry of Education.

Schools operating within the ORPEG structure are equipped with modern IT equipment to support multimedia teaching methods. Education ends with obtaining a Polish school certificate confirming learning in the Polish educational system.

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Scheduled News Science and Education