1.09.2024 - 30.09.2024 News

Open call for the first edition of The Voice of Polonia America

Do you feel like you were born with a microphone in your hand but haven’t had the chance to prove it yet? Or maybe you’ve already had your first successes and are looking for more experiences. Did you fall in love with a Polish song on vacation? Or when nostalgia takes hold of you, you take your favorite record from your youth from the shelf, with which so many memories are associated. Do you speak Polish even though you don’t live in Poland? Or maybe you’re just fascinated by this “rustling” language? If your answer to at least one of these questions is “yes,” the vocal competition The Voice of Polonia is for you. This year, in addition to the European edition of the competition, we, “The Voice of Polonia,” announced the first edition of the international Polish song competition, The Voice of Polonia America.

Send your two recordings to info@thevoiceofpolonia.eu and fill out the Application Form by September 30.

Among the submitted applications, a professional jury will select 32 participants who will be invited to the second stage of the Competition, i.e., live auditions in New York on October 25, 2024. From among these vocalists, the jury will select the lucky eight, who will take part in the grand finale in New York on October 26. During this evening, the finalists will be accompanied by outstanding musicians. In the European editions of the Competition, the jury consisted of Anna Maria Jopek, Marek Piekarczyk, Maria Sadowska, and Janusz Radek. The star of The Voice of Polonia America will be the excellent vocalist Grażyna Auguścik. The Competition is funding a prize of USD 1,000 for the winner. So there is something to fight for. So, until you hear. More information…

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