2.05.2018 History

Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad Day

In 2002, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland established the Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad Day to be celebrated on 2 May. This initiative recognised the “long-standing achievements and contribution of the Polish diaspora and Poles abroad in helping Poland regain its independence, loyalty and attachment to their identity, as well as assistance to the homeland in its most difficult moments.”

Polish government, recognising the special role of the Polish diaspora, considers the cooperation with Polish communities to be one of its priorities. In his address to the Polish Sejm in March this year, Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz stressed that the “Polish diaspora is an extremely important element of the national community. We remember them especially this year, on the 100th anniversary of regaining independence.”

Believing that this jubilee is important for all our compatriots, no matter where they live, especially on this day we join in thought Poles abroad, thanking them for their past and present efforts for the good of the country.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports that today between 18-20 million Poles and people of Polish origin live outside the country. Many of them are people who remained in the eastern territories after the state’s borders shifted. Others, modern migrants, make up the current Polish community in Western countries. The largest Polish community abroad lives in the United States, where over 9.6 million people declared to be of Polish origin in 2012.

MFA Press Office

Minister Jacek Czaputowicz’s wishes on Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad Day

Ladies and gentlemen,

2 May is a special day for all Poles, both for those living in the country and abroad. Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad Day, which we celebrate today, is an expression of remembrance and appreciation for our compatriots, who continue to preserve their identity and keep ties with their homeland, and who cultivate and promote our traditions and cultural heritage around the world.

I would like to wish you all personal and professional success, as well as inexhaustible strength in promoting a positive image of Poland in the world. You are the ambassadors of Polish affairs, and your efforts deserve special support of government institutions.

On this special day, I would like to stress that the integration of the Polish communities remains one of the key priorities of our government’s policy. I believe that this year’s centenary of Poland regaining its independence presents a unique opportunity to achieve this goal.

Once again, let me thank you for your efforts in promoting Polish heritage and instilling Polish identity in younger generations.

Scheduled History