22.05.2023 Events, Visual Arts

CARE. Sensory walk.

RSVP Monday, May 22, 2023 at 11am-12:30pm ET
Meet at the 30th Street & 11th Avenue (stairs) entrance to The High Line

Free and open to the public. ‘CARE. Sensory walk.’ is a part of the ECO Solidarity 2023 program at WantedDesign Manhattan 2023. It is presented by the Polish Cultural Institute New York.

Human and non-human beings perceive the world in different ways, depending on our psycho-physical capabilities and experiences. What we have in common is the ability to SENSE our surroundings.

The environment in which we live is strongly oculocentric. The environment in which we would like to live focuses on multi-sensory experiences, preserves memories, arouses our vigilance and curiosity. A calm and sharp mind, as well as a body that feels are open to empathy. Being more self-reflective, inward-thinking and aware makes us CARE about others, both human and non-human beings, about our environment, ourselves. Now we need it more than ever.

CARE. Sensory walk. is a part of FALA’s exhibition manifesto. It is about care and attention to inner and outer self, arousing awareness and empathy to everyday life nature.

We will walk carefully, focusing on our sensual perception. 

Conducted rituals and outdoor mindfulness exercises will open us to the invigorating perception of the city.

Amid the hustle and bustle of New York, we will find balance and look for nature in ourselves.

By developing mindfulness and devoting time to ourselves, we have a greater potential to open up to the environment, noticing its needs and empathy towards human and non-human neighbors of everyday life.

FALA is a Polish multidisciplinary design and research practice established by Kamila Szatanowska and Paulina Rogalska in 2018. FALA is focused on holistic design in the context of progressive climate change, multi-species design, sensory cognition, education and action in nature.


We are here and we are now. In this place and time, in the very center of accelerating changes. In a rushing snow avalanche, we cling to a branch as long as we can see it. 

We catch it, touch it and slowly climb on the tree where we can build the nest. Carefully, thoroughly, without wasting. Finally, we invite others to the nest and create a new, interspecies tribe.

Just to stop, we grab the branch. Touching it, we actually feel that this is a hand – our hand. When we stop, we will quietly climb upwards, seeking shelter in the crown of the tree  inner self.

Now, we can see, hear, feel, smell and taste more. We notice ourselves, our body, thoughts, emotions and deep desires. Finally, we notice where we stand, what touches us, what time of day, year, our life is. 

Our perception goes further, towards the sweeping wind, overflowing water, steps and looks of other humans, the rustling and crunching of non-humans passing by. 

This is our tribe. The tribe is us. 

This is a common, circular energy that builds us. If we want to take care of ourselves, we want to take care of the tribe. By developing ourselves, we develop the tribe. By nurturing our garden, we are nurturing the tribal village. Stealing from the tribe, we steal from ourselves. Killing the tribe, we kill our world. 

It’s not me plus the rest of the world. 
I am the world. 

There is no culture versus nature. 

Culture is nature.

We are here and we are now. In this place and time, at the heart of a great role and meaning redefinition – me as part of nature, animals, human species, society, individuals and creators.

We need to change our status quo.

new aesthetics – no to form fetish, yes to experiencing

form follows senses

go beyond the framework of the object – form dresses the purpose

we move away from the cult of the object, we enter into the cognition cultivation

new self – communication – more inner,  less outer

introspection is the first step to knowing and empathizing

no division into scenography and urban life actors – we are one organism

the tribe as a space choreographer, not theater troupe

the tribe as the core of our being, architecture supports being

architecture is there to empower, protect, inspire and connect

redefining the goal and rethinking the management of needs

do we need to build, buy or produce this time? 

Let’s be attentive, let’s be present. Here and now – in this place and time. For the self, for the tribe, for the future.

Scheduled Events Visual Arts