Pursuant to Art. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of

27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on

the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation –

further cited as GDPR), please be advised that:

1. Within the meaning of Art. 4(7) GDPR, the Minister of Foreign Affairs with his registered seat in

Poland, in Warsaw (00-580), Al. J. Ch. Szucha 23, is the data controller of your personal data.

2. Consul of the Republic of Poland performs the duties of data controller in respect of data in the

consular filing systems maintained by them.

3. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has appointed a data protection officer (DPO), who performs his

duties with respect to data processed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign service posts.

DPO contact data:

Registered seat: Al. J. Ch. Szucha 23, 00-580 Warsaw

Email: iod@msz.gov.pl

4. The data included in the consular filing system is stored under Art. 6 (c), (d) and (e) GDPR for the

purposes of the performance of tasks specified in the Act of 25 June 2015 – Consular Law (Journal

of Laws of 2017, item 1545, as amended) and in specific provisions.

5. Your personal data will be stored for periods provided for by law and will be archived in compliance

with the regulations in force at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign service posts.

6. Only persons authorized by the data controller will have access to the data.

7. The data is protected under the provisions of the GDPR and may not be made available to any

unauthorized third parties or transferred to a third country that does not guarantee the protection

level at least equivalent to the protection level provided for in the GDPR. The data may only be

transferred to a third country when such obligation is prescribed by Polish law or European Union

law, pursuant to Art. 44-46 GDPR.

8. Unless specific provisions stipulate otherwise, you have the right to control the processing of data,

as specified in GDPR Art. 15-19 and Art. 21, in particular the right to access, rectify and delete your

data, as well as limit and object to its processing.

9. Your data will not be processed in an automated manner which would influence the process of

taking decisions which could produce legal effects or significantly influence them in a similar

manner. The data will not be subject to profiling.

10. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority at:

President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data

ul. Stawki 2

00-193 Warsaw
