30.10.2019 Events, History, News

Polish history for the Indian students

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the WWII, the Polish Institute in New Delhi organized the screening of the Polish movie “Women in War” – the true stories of the brave women, who fight for freedom and independence. The movie was based on the real facts from the II World War. The event took place on 30th of October, at the Slavic Department of the Delhi University. After the screening we invited the audience for as short lecture of Łukasz Zalesiński and for the  q&a session. The main subject of his lecture was the cooperation between the Polish and the Indian soldiers during the II World War.

The Polish Institute delivered  to the students the books, titled “Polish Heroes”, dedicated to the history of Poland in 20 century.

Łukasz Zalesiński  was graduated from the Faculty of Polish and Classical Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Currently, he is a regular contributor to „Polska Zbrojna” and „Polska Zbrojna Historia” magazines and polska-zbrojna.pl web portal, dealing with the history and military issues. Łukasz Zalesiński specializes in history, especially in the past and the present day of the Polish Navy. He is the co-author of the book „One of my names is life. Conversations with those, who survived the hell of war” („Jedno z moich imion brzmi życie. Rozmowy z tymi, którzy przeżyli piekło wojny”).  

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