60th Anniversary of Indo-Polish Diplomatic Ties

In 2014, Poland and India celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties with a series of events to mark the landmark occasion.

India is one of Poland’s most important strategic partners globally and both countries are connected through intensive economic and cultural cooperation and political dialogue as evidenced by recent visits by Heads of State to both India and Poland. Significant trips include those by President Pratibha Patil to Poland in April 2009; Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s visits to New Delhi and Bangalore in September 2010; and two official visits by Minister of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski to India in 2011 and 2013, the former marking the first visit of its kind since the collapse of communism in eastern and central Europe more than two decades ago. A recent Bloomberg survey points to growing business potential in Poland too; it was ranked first among its neighbors for entrepreneurial spirit which augurs well for greater Indian investments in the country.

H.E. Prof. Piotr Klodkowski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to India highlights this special relationship thus, “Poland and India officially established diplomatic relations in 1954 but our cultural bonds should be dated back much earlier. In fact, as early as 1893 the Chair of Sanskrit at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow was established which introduced scholarly research on India. At present the pillars of our cooperation are very stable and well defined. Our shared interests in the energy sector , our long-lasting military ties, and collaboration in the defence industry, point to significant cross-cultural diplomatic exchanges that have formed the bedrock of Indo-Polish ties. In the realm of culture, excellent links and growing mutual artistic inspirations are our best assets in the strengthening of bilateral relations. I am deeply convinced that this platform covering multifarious aspects of political and cultural life will enable India to explore Poland as a land of unlimited opportunities where creativity and entrepreneurial spirit can be materialized in the best possible way.”

To mark this landmark occasion, Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently published archival material documenting the establishment of diplomatic relations, including communiqués on the exchange of ambassadors with India , and the appointments of the first three Polish ambassadors: Jerzy Grudziński (1954-57), Juliusz Katz-Suchy (1957–62) and Przemysław Ogrodziński (1962–67).
For more information, visit: http://newdelhi.mfa.gov.pl/en/news/on_the_30_03_1954_our_countries_established_official_diplomatic_relations__
To watch a short film made to commemorate this landmark occasion, visit:


Polish Institutes

The Polish Institutes exist to ensure that Polish culture has a presence and is appreciated around the world. They achieve this through public cultural events, pinpointing the most effective spheres, formats and topics for promoting Poland, giving it international recognition and a competitive advantage. By making successful use of these opportunities, they enhance Poland’s political, economic and cultural position, building a positive image of Poland worldwide through their day-to-day work.
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About Poland and Visting Poland
Official Promotional Website of the Republic of Poland

Culture.pl Comprehensive database on Polish culture and arts

Poland travel, the portal of Polish Tourist Organization, everything you need to know about moving around Poland and sightseeing.
Learn Polish in Poland:

The Centre for Polish Studies
Ul. Swietokrzyska 20
00-002 Warszawa, Poland
T: 0048 22 826 19 04
Mobile: 0048 605 205 882
Email: biuro(at)learnpolish.edu.pl

International School of Polish Language and Culture in Krakow
Ul. Bronowicka 58/5
30-091 Krakow, Poland
T: 0048 12 661 40 30
Email: info(at)polishcourse.org

Klub Dialogu Polish Language School
Krakowskie Przedmiescie 13/155
00-071 Warszawa, Poland
T: 0048 22 498 10 10
Email: info(at)klubdialogu.pl

Varia Centre of Polish Language
Ul. Michalowskiego 2/3
31-126 Krakow, Poland
T: 0048 12 633 58 71

Ośrodek Języka Polskiego/ Center of Polish Language
J.C. Municipal Library.
office nr 421, 4th floor.
ul. Targ Rakowy 5 / 6
80-806 Gdansk
T: 0048 58 301 97 35
Mobile: 0048 501 572 320
Email : ojp.office(at)ojp.edu.pl

Instytut dla Zjednoczenia Europy
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More information: www.idze.pl/polishvacation
email: idze(at)idze.pl
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