28.05.2019 News

Polish gamedev representatives visit China’s leading gaming firms

Polish gaming company representatives visit the Beijing headquarters of some of China’s leading gaming firms, including NetEase, Xiaomi, Sina Games and Youku Games

On 13-14 May, representatives of Polish gaming companies visited the Beijing headquarters of some of China’s leading gaming firms, including NetEase, Xiaomi, Sina Games and Youku Games.


For Polish gaming industry representatives, it was their first visit to Beijing. In two days’ time, they learned about the most influential Chinese gaming companies, met with their representatives and toured their headquarters. During the visits, both parties shared their experiences on Chinese and Polish gaming markets, exchanging latest information on the current situation and demands of the gaming industry in both countries. Through discussions, Chinese representatives shared valuable information on adapting future Polish productions to gain even greater popularity among Chinese players.


According to the information presented by the Indie Games Poland Foundation, China, together with the US, is the most important gaming market for Polish gaming companies. However, the situation of the gaming industry in Poland is different from China. While Polish producers aim to create games beyond simple entertainment, treated as a service, the Chinese market is currently dominated by free mobile games. Despite the differences, both countries’ representatives expressed strong interest in future cooperation, hoping to promote even more high-quality Polish games to Chinese players, under the support of Chinese game publishers and media.


To express their gratitude, Indie Games Poland Foundation, invited Chinese gaming industry representatives to participate in Poznań Game Arena in October this year – Central and Eastern Europe’s largest game expo.

【Image / Netease, Sina, Xiaomi】


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