14.07.2022 News

Posters For Ukraine

The Association of Polish Graphic Designers, together with partners from Ukraine, created an exhibition of 30 posters on the subject of the war taking place just next to Poland.

– The Posters For Ukraine exhibition is a response to the war – says Filip Tofil, member of STGU – When quiet cities and towns were bombed, Ukrainian illustrators and designers issued call for posters and illustrations informing about the tragedy that befell their country. Artists from all over the world responded to the call by creating works about sadness, fear and hatred, calling for an end to the war, showing courage and giving hope. The Posters For Ukraine exhibition presents a set selected from among several hundred works sent to the Association of Polish Graphic Designers, as well as published as part of the poster call organized by Pictoric Ilustrators Club (Kyiv) and 4th Block (Kharkiv) – adds Filip Tofil.

The Posters For Ukraine exhibition features: Anton Abo, Studio Agrafka, Anna Andreieva, Peter Bankov (Bankov Posters), Tomasz Czyżkowski, Michał Dyakowski, Masha Foya, Stanisław Gajewski, Maks Graur, Oleg Gryshchenko, Ola Jasionowska, Paweł Jońca, Iryna Kalantai, Mari Kinovich, Hania Kmieć, Przemek Kotynski, Olga Kulish, Simon Litvinov, Kosma Masny, Sabina Oberholzer, Dilyana Peeva, Zhenia Polosina, Dominik Przerwa, Szymon Szymankiewicz, Beata “Barrakuz” Śliwińska, Renato Tagli.

– These posters will not stop flying bullets, they will not stop tanks in the streets, which does not mean that they are not a weapon in this war either. Power of persuasion and power to build a community are often just as important as the power of individuals at the front. Make posters not war. Slava Ukraini! – Filip Tofil appeals.

The organizer of the exhibition is STGU Association of Polish Graphic Designers in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, AMS and organizations from Ukraine: Pictoric Ilustrators Club and 4th Block. The partners of the exhibition are: Grafprom and Syfon Studio.

STGU. The Association of Polish Graphic Designers was established in 2004 on the initiative of a group of designers from Warsaw. The idea of ​​STGU is to defend creative independence and the principles of reliable, professional design, and to care for the prestige of the designing profession. STGU works to promote good practices, expresses itself on the issue of ethics in design, supports pro-social initiatives and takes an active part in the discussion on the function of commercial graphics.

Pictoric Ilustrators Club is a community of Ukrainian illustrators founded in 2014. The curators (Oleg Gryshchenko, Anna Sarvira and Olena Staranchuk) invite Ukrainian and international authors to participate in projects whose primary goal is to popularize and develop the community of Ukrainian illustrators.

The Graphic Artists Association “4th Block” brings together designers and culture managers interested in solving environmental problems through art. The association operates on a voluntary basis to support and develop creative initiatives in the field of ecology, design and culture. The main task of the association is to organize the “4th Block” environmental poster triennial.


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