“The task that has befallen us will bring worldwide glory to the Polish soldier” – the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino

The Battle of Monte Cassino was one of the toughest and bloodiest battles that determined the outcome of World War II.
17 05.2019 News

228th Anniversary of the 3 May Constitution

The text of the 3 May Constitution of 1791 is traditionally credited to King Stanisław II August, Grand Marshall of Lithuania Ignacy Potocki, and the priest and philosopher Fr. Hugo Kołłątaj.
30 04.2019 News

Poland will be promoted by China Post

Polish Chamber of Tourism signed MoU on cooperation in the field of tourism exchange between Poland and China.
30 04.2019 News

Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad Day

In 2002, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland established the Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad Day to be celebrated on 2 May in recognition of the "long-standing achievements and contribution of the Polish diaspora and Poles living abroad in helping Poland regain its independence, of their loyalty and attachment to their Polish identity, as well as of their assistance to the homeland in times of need."
30 04.2019 News

Poland’s Day of the Flag

The Day of the Polish Flag is celebrated on 2 May. On this day, Poles reflect upon the long history of the red-and-white national colours, and proudly fly flags outside their homes.
30 04.2019 News

Fifteen years of Poland’s membership in the EU

On 1 May 2004, Poland, together with the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Cyprus and Malta, joined the EU. The 2004 enlargement was the largest in the Union’s history.
30 04.2019 News

Postdoctoral research grants in Poland

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) announces a new program dedicated to foreign researchers – The Ulam Programme 2019. Call for proposals deadline is the 23rd of April 2019.
12 03.2019 News

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

27 January, the anniversary of liberating the German Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, marks International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, officially proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2005.
25 01.2019 News

New Daily TV Program “Focus on Poland”

To better facilitate understanding of Poland’s politics, economy, culture and many more.
11 01.2019 News