29.10.2019 Events, History, News

The history lesson for the students in Colombo

The Polish Institute in New Delhi and the Department of History of the University in Colombo organized the screening of the Polish movie “Division 303”,  followed by the lecture “Bitter taste of victory: the fate of Poland during the World War II” by Łukasz Zalesińki, a journalist, an expert on Polish history and military issues. Mr. Zalesiński is graduated from the Faculty of Polish and Classical Studies (at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań). He specializes in the history of the II WW and in history of Polish Navy. He is the co-author of the book „One of my names is life. Conversations with those, who survived the hell of war” („Jedno z moich imion brzmi życie. Rozmowy z tymi, którzy przeżyli piekło wojny”). He is a regular contributor to „Polska Zbrojna” and „Polska Zbrojna Historia” magazines and polska-zbrojna.pl web portal.

The screening and the lecture took place in the University of Colombo, Department of History, on 28th of October. After the lecture there was an interesting discussion with the students of the University who attended the event.

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