01-09-2019 News

80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War

On 1 September 1939 at 4:45 a.m., the German Reich army started to carry out th...
01-08-2019 News

75th anniversary of the Warsaw Rising

Every year, events commemorating the rising are held in various parts of Poland...
28-05-2019 News

Polish gamedev representatives visit China’s leading gaming firms

On 13-14 May, representatives of Polish gaming companies visited the Beijing he...
28-05-2019 News

Polish Games – Creative Poland: promotion of creative and innovative Poland

To celebrate the participation of Polish gamedev companies in this year's Game ...
28-05-2019 News

Polish gaming companies storm Game Fusion in Beijing

The annual Game Fusion game expo organized by G-CORES is an excellent opportuni...
17-05-2019 News

“The task that has befallen us will bring worldwide glory to the Polish soldier” – the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino

It was the fourth assault by the Allied forces on German troops controlling the...
30-04-2019 News

228th Anniversary of the 3 May Constitution

The adopted constitution drew inspiration from the political and social thought...
30-04-2019 News

Poland will be promoted by China Post

Cooperation between Polish Chamber of Tourism and China Post assumes publishing...
30-04-2019 News

Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad Day

Poland’s government recognises the special role of the Polish diaspora and co...