4.02.2025 Aktualności, Music, News

Concert: Polish New Generation in Classical Music – Amalia Umeda & Michał Aftyka

Join us for the second concert in the Polish New Generation in Classical Music series as a part of the European Parlament’s Concerts Programme. We invite you to a jazz concert performed by Amalia Umeda (violin) and  Michał Aftyka (basse). 

February 4, 2025
EU Quarter – Info Hub on Esplanade Solidarność 1980

Duration: this lunchtime concert will be approximately 30 minutes in duration.
Entry: free
No booking needed: seats are on first-come, first-served. 

Amalia Umeda and Michał Aftyka are an improviser duo that began collaborating in 2021 as a part of the Amalia Umeda Quartet. Umeda’s & Aftyka’s artistic inspirations draw from diverse ethnic music, human emotions and the sounds of nature.

Amalia Umeda
is a violinist, a graduate of the Academy of Music in Katowice and the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. She is the leader of the Amalia Umeda Quartet and a member of the Australian band Hand to Earth and the Polish-Norwegian project Maciej Obara Bluish Landscapes. She has performed on many prestigious stages (New York, Ottawa, Vancouver, Montreal, Melbourne). She is a laureate of the 3rd prize at Zbigniew Seifert International Jazz Violin Competition 2022. More information.


Michał Aftyka
is a double bassist, a graduate of the Academy of Music in Katowice, and currently a PhD student at the Academy of Music in Wrocław. He is the leader of the Michał Aftyka Quintet, whose debut album Frukstrakt won the Fryderyk Award for “Fonographic Debut of the Year – Jazz” and was nominated for the Deutsche Jazzpreis in the category “Debut Album of the Year – International.” He is also the winner of the Grand Prix at the Most the Most Współbrzmienia competition. More information


Amalia Umeda Quartet, in which Amalia and Michal play, gained European recognition through a concert tour promoting their debut album Nowoświt, which included performances in Poland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands and France. 


A Farewell to the Sun (Pożegnanie Słońca) by Michał Aftyka
A Lament (Lament) by Amalia Obrębowska
XIII / 13  by Michał Aftyka
A Possibility of Snow (Możliwość śniegu) by Michał Aftyka
Młynarsis by Amalia Obrębowska
Time lost  (Czas utracony) by Michał Aftyka
The Whisperers Dance (Taniec szeptaczy) by Amalia Obrębowska
A Prayer  (Modlitwa) by Amalia Obrębowska

The concert series entitled Polish New Generation in Classical Music  is organised by the Polish Institute Brussels in cooperation with the European Parliaments Concerts programme.
Scheduled Aktualności Music News