Jewish heritage: creating living cultural legacy in post-Holocaust Europe Joint -presentation by the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN in Warsaw and the Jewish museum LOST SHTETL based in Šeduva (Lithuania)
The Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN was inaugurated in April 2013 in the district of Muranów, where the Warsaw ghetto had been set up. On 9 April 2016, this magnificent, interactive and dynamic museum was awarded the prestigious prize ‘Best European Museum 2016’.
The LOST SHTETL museum in Šeduva will soon be opening its doors. It should be open to the public during the 2017-2018 on the site of a former Jewish cemetery.
These two exceptional projects devoted to preserving the memory of the presence of Jews in central and Eastern Europe will be presented by Barbara KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT, the head curator of the exhibition at the POLIN Museum, and Sergey KANOVICH, representative of the Šeduva Jewish Memorial Fund, at an event at the Brussels Secular Jewish Community Centre on Wednesday 26 October at 19:00.

19:00 – Welcome by the Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania, Gediminas Varvuolis, and Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, Artur Orzechowski
19:05 – Presentation of the project “Lost shtetl” by Sergey Kanovich (Šeduva Jewish Memorial Fund), followed by the screening of the trailer of the documentary film Petrified Time by Saulius Beržinis and Sergey Kanovich
19:30 – Presentation by the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN by Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett (Head curator of the Museum)
19:50 – Q&A
20:00 – Concert “Letters from the Past” by Rafailas Karpis (tenor) and Darius Mažintas (piano)
20:30 – Reception
+++ find this event on the website of the Brussels Secular Jewish Community Centre (CCLJ)
>>> Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif David Susskind asbl – CCLJ (rue de l’Hotel des Monnaies 52, 1060 Brussels) – see map
>>> Wednesday 26 October 2016 – 19:00
>>> Free entrance via reservation before 12 October 2016: via 02 543 01 01 or
Lost Shtetl:
ambassade de Lituanie en Belgique: