6.12.2016 Music

Masterclass and concert by Polish composer Elżbieta SIKORA

Polish composer Elżbieta SIKORA will be present at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels (Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel) for a class entitled “Sound reality in music”, illustrated by fragments of her works Lisboa, tramway 28Chicago al fresco and Axe rouge. She will then give a masterclass devoted to musical technology and reserved for students at the conservatory (those from Katarina GLOWICKA‘s composition class, to be more specific). The day will be brought to a close with a concert of Sikora’s own work, which she will join in with students from the conservatory.  
The class and the concert will be partially open to anyone who wishes to acquaint themselves with the intriguing universe of concrete music, of which Elżbieta SIKORA, who wrote the opera Madame Curie, is a pioneer in Poland.  

Elżbieta Sikora, Flashback
Elżbieta Sikora, Lisboa, tramway 28
Elżbieta Sikora, Rouge d’ete
Elżbieta Sikora, Chicago al fresco

Saxophone: Henrique PORTOVEDO
Direction: Elżbieta SIKORA

+++ on the site of the KCB 

>>> Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, Kleine Concertzaal (Petit Sablon 5, 1000 Brussels) – see map 
>>> Thursday 6 December 2016
_____10:30 > 13:00 class entitled “Sound reality in music”, given by Elżbieta SIKORA illustrated by fragments of the works Lisboa, tramway 28Chicago al fresco and Axe rouge V)
_____14:30 > 17:30 masterclass on musical technology (reserved for students in the composition class)
_____19:00 > 19:50 concert by students of composition technique (“muziektechnologie”) studying at the conservatory, with the participation of Elżbieta SIKORA
>>> Free. Please reserve by December at bruxelles@instytutpolski.org.

Born in Lwow, Poland, Elżbieta SIKORA studied electronic music with Pierre Schaeffer and Francois Bayle in Paris and music composition with Tadeusz Baird and Zbigniew Rudzinski in Warszaw, Poland and with Betsy Jolas in Paris. In 1973 she founded, with W.Michniewski and K.Knittel the Group of Composers KEW. Scholarships from the French Government at IRCAM, Paris, the City of Mannheim, and the Kosciuszko Foundation at CCRMA (Computer Center for Research in Music and Acoustics), Stanford, have enriched the composer’s international outlook. 
Elzbieta Sikora has received among others: II Prize for her opera “Ariadna”, at the Composers Competition in Dresden, Germany, Prix Magistère for “Aquamarina” in Bourges, France. She has been awarded by SACEM, received the SACD Prize Nouveau Talent Musique for her opera “L’Arrache-coeur”, in Paris, France and Künstlerinnenpreise in Heidelberg, Germany. She was awarded by l’Académie du Disque Lyrique in Paris and received the French Distinction, Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres. 
Elzbieta Sikora lives and works in Paris, France. Her catalog includes more than thirty major works among which two operas, three ballets, several symphonic works, chamber music works , electroacoustic and mixed musics. She has received numerous prizes.

A composer and pedagogue, she runs the class on electronic music and composition at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel. She regularly invites musicians from around the world to collaborate with the conservatory, recently inviting Marek CHOŁONIEWSKI and Gośka ISPHORDING to be part of her classes.

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