18.04.2024 - 26.04.2024 Arts, Events, News

Mapping reality: workshop for art students in Brussels as part of Erasmus+ program

From April 18th to 26th, 2024, as part of the Eurofabrique Brussels program and the Blended Intensive Programme Erasmus+, the Mapping Reality workshops took place. The main organizer of this event was the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels de La Cambre in Brussels, and it was attended by over 20 participants from three academic centers:

The project aimed to delve into the concept of mapping — discovering relationships between various elements of a specified space and documenting them using typographic and graphic means. The process of creating the map was based on the personal experiences and subjective perspectives of the participants. The work began with field research and direct observations during walks in the selected area.

The workshop included two phases – online and offline. From April 22nd to 26th, 2024, while in Brussels, students from Poland explored the city. Collaborating with peers from other universities, they created large-scale artworks using various experimental printing techniques.

The workshop was organized within the framework of the European Union’s BIP Erasmus+ program with the support of the Polish Institute Brussels.

Special thanks to: Kevin Saladé, Lucas Limongelli, Noémie Couronné, David Maurissen (ENSAV La Cambre, Brussels), Aleksandra Kot (Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw) for the organizational and didactic support.

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