15.04.2024 - 20.04.2024 Aktualności, News

Urban History Week 2024: workshops in Cracow for students of  the University of Antwerp and the Jagiellonian University

Already for the third time, on 15-20 April 2024, Urban History Week – a  week-long workshop took place in Cracow as a part of a cooperation program between the University of Antwerp and the Jagiellonian University. This long-term project has two main goals – to integrate Belgian and Polish history students, and to develop their knowledge of urban history. During this year’s edition, a group of Polish and Belgian students, under the supervision of the academic staff from the two universities, were focusing on Cracow as a European metropolis and one of the capital cities of Europe throughout history, including aspects pertaining to the migration processes, environment, minorities, ecology,  the plight of its citizens during the World War I and II, and development in the 20th century. This choice of subject corresponded with the 20th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the European Union.

The program took place within the framework of the Poland-Flanders Cooperation Program.

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