16.05.2024 Aktualności, Events, History, Music, News

Exhibition & concert: “A little big history. 20 years in the EU” in Luxembourg

On 16 June in Centre Culturel Paul Barblé, Strassen, Luxemburg, an open event will take place to celebrate the 20 years of Poland in the European Union. As part of the program, a presentation of a photo exhibition “A little big history. 20 years in the EU”, will take place. It features the histories of twenty Polish man and women who share their memories associated with their move to the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg and their lives over there. The exhibition is accompanied by a brochure.

The guests will have an opportunity to listen a concert by Frico Laboration jazz quartet from Poland, as well as performances by local Polish music groups.


Throughout the day, Polish goods and works of art, as well as Polish food, will be available for purchase.  The event is organised by polska.lu association, with support from the Polish Institute Brussels, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Luxemburg and Ministry of Culture of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg.

Exhibition & concert: “A little big history. 20 years in the EU”
June 16, 2024
Centre culturel Paul Barblé
Rue des Romaines 52
L-8041 Strassen, Luxembourg

Free entry
Read more about the concert
Read more about the exhibition 



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