27-08-2024 Aktualności, Events, Music, News

Concert: Polish Cello Quartet | Chopin Project in the Citizens’ Garden

The Polish Cello Quartet will inaugurate the 2024 Citizens’ Garden Concerts season with a performance entitled “Chopin Project”. 
This exquisite concert promotes the new project (and album) of the Polish ensemble, which consists of cello transcriptions of Chopin’s mazurkas-waltzes-preludes and nocturnes created by leading Polish composers and arrangers. 
Get ready for an unforgettable musical encounter!
Polish Cello Quartet: Tomasz Daroch, Krzysztof Karpeta, Adam Krzeszowiec, Wojciech Fudala – cello. Since 2014 PCQ is a ensemble in residence at the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw. 
Concert: Polish Cello Quartet | Chopin Project in the Citizens’ Garden
September 2, 2024
Citizens’ Garden
Rue Vautier 68
1050 Ixelles