01-05-2019 History

Fifteen years of Poland’s membership in the EU

On 1 May 2004, Poland, together with the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Li...
30-04-2019 Music

MAZOWSZE for 15 years of Poland in the EU

The Permanent Representation of Poland to the European Union and Polish Insti...
29-04-2019 Film

CRADLE ME | David Tejer | Brussels Short Films Festival (BSFF)

For its 22nd edition, the Brussels Short Film Festival (BSFF) presents in inter...
27-04-2019 Literature

Book presentation “Kolonies” by Tomasz Różycki

The publication of Kolonies in 2006 put Tomasz Różycki at the forefront of...
23-04-2019 Arts

Tell Me More About You | Tatiana Wolska at Ateliers Mommen

Tell Me More About You, an exhibition curated by Tatiana Wolska and Maëlle D...
20-04-2019 Film

WEREWOLF | Adrian Panek | BIFFF 2019

A second Polish film at BIFFF, Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival:...
19-04-2019 Film

Dark, Almost Night | Borys Lankosz | BIFFF 2019

BIFFF, the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival, is a major event in...
17-04-2019 Arts

Stigmata | Piotr Rosiński at the Huberty & Breyne Gallery

Discover the work by Polish artist Piotr Rosiński in his solo exhibition St...
04-04-2019 Arts

Raising the Curtain presents Archigrafia from Jędrzej Franek

1989. A revolution starts in Europe that leads to the fall of the Berlin Wall. ...