21.07.2015 Music

Michał Markuszewski will be part of the Bruges Organ Festival

The St. Salvator’s Cathedral in Bruges has for 62 years played host to a festival of organ concerts to which Belgian and foreign musicians alike are invited to play, either alone or accompanied by choirs or soloists. The festival, held under the auspices of the province of West Flanders and the City of Bruges, will this year take place from 14 July until 4 August
On 21 July, the Belgian National Holiday, the great organist Michał MARKUSZEWSKI will make Bruges Cathedral ring out to the sounds of the Baroque music of Johann Sebastian BACH and Georg MUFFAT, the romantic sounds of Niels Wilhelm GADE and music from a later period composed by Joseph RHEINBERGER, Alexandre GUILMANT and Mieczysław SURZYŃSKI. His recital will finish on a contemporary note with works by Alfred HOLLINS and Jan GAWLAS.

+++ Find out more about Michał MARKUSZEWSKI on his website

>>> St Salvator’s Cathedral in Bruges (Sint-Salvatorskoorstraat 8, 8000 Brugge) – see map
>>> Tuesday 21 July 2015 – 20:00 
>>> €9 

+++ Find out more in the leaflet hereunder 
+++ All concerts are HERE

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