8.10.2015 Literature

Aleksandra Dańczyszyn participates in TRANSPOESIE 2015

TRANSPOESIE is a European poetic initiative created to highlight the work of international artists. This year, Transpoesie will feature 21 different poets, 19 languages, 4 poetry evenings and 1 relocation in Namur.
The Polish guest is the young slammer Aleksandra DAŃCZYSZYN. She will perform during the closing evening of the 8 October 2015, dedicated to the performance.
She succeds thus Ryszard KRYNICKIPiotr SOMMERSzczepan KOPYT and Tomasz RÓŻYCKI.

The website TRANSPOESIE is under revamp. Its new edition will be ready in August!

+++ learn more about the performance evening on 8 October
+++ learn more about Aleksandra DAŃCZYSZYN (listen to one of her poems read by an actress Urszula ZDANOWICZ for Polskie Radio Zachód)

In total, 21 poets will take part in the literary evenings. For details, see below:
>>> Audience #1 [Maison de la Poésie de Namur | 23.09.2015 | 19:00]
>>> Audience #2 [BOZAR | 24.09.2015 | 20:00]
>>> Audience #3 [Passa Porta | 07.10.2015 | 20:00]
>>> Audience #4 [Institute Balassi | 08.10.2015 | 20:00] – with Aleksandra DAŃCZYSZYN

Born in 1991, Aleksandra DAŃCZYSZYN has graduated from the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw. From that time on, she has devoted her life to poetry. The winner of several national competitions, she practices slam. Her textes were published in various artistic and literary journals. Her two Radio Poetry Books were broadcasted on air on the Radio Polskie Zachód. Her first poetry recording is under preparation.

A-12a Zwężenie jezdni – dwustronne

Imputowałeś mi swoją muzykę –
zamiast basu implanty w postaci
koszulek, zapalniczek i książęcych kapsli
wpływy księżyca w transfuzji wyobrażeń
przyciąganie ciał: niebieskich
oczu i migdałowych palców
Fruwałeś po trawie, a ja chciałam spać
i nie mogłam zasnąć
przez ciągłe stukanie, pukanie
niemiarowość serca
migotanie, kołatanie –
masz bilet
zamiast ciała, a pod ręką
ćwiartkę wódki zamiast setki
Jeśli mężczyźni są z Marsa
a kobiety z Wenus
to nasza dwójka tworzy układ
podwójnie synchroniczny


Event #1

The following five poets have been invited: Ingmāra BALODE (Latvia), Mária FERENČUHOVÁ (Slovakia), Albano Martins (Portugal), Aksinia MIHAYLOVA (Bulgaria) and Peter Semolic (Slovenia).

Practical information
>>> Maison de la Poésie de Namur (Rue Fumal 28, 5000 Namur) – see map
>>> Wednesday 23 September 2015 – 20:00
>>> Free of charge

Event #2

The following five poets have been invited: Laurence VIELLE (Belgium), Eiríkur Norddahl Örn (Iceland), Tonnus Oosterhoff (the Netherlands), Ida BORJEL (Sweden) and Itxaro BORDA (Basque Country).

Practical information
>>> Brussels Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR (Rue Ravenstein 23, 1000 Brussels), Studio – see map
>>> Thursday 24 September 2015 – 20:00
>>> 6 € | 4 €

Event #3

The following five poets have been invited: Stephane Bouquet (France), Cristina ALZIATI (Italy), Irina NECHIT (Moldova), Mehmet Yasin (Turkey) and a Dutch poet.

Practical information
>>> Passa Porta (Rue Antoine Dansaert 46, 1050 Brussels) – see map
>>> Wednesday 7 October 2015 – 20:00
>>> € 6

Event #4

The following six poets have been invited:Aleksandra Danczyszyń (Poland), Veronika KIVISILLA (Estonia), Karl Seglem (Norway), Rony Somek (Israel) and Daniel VARRO (Hungary).

Practical information
>>> Institute Balassi (Treurenberg 10, 1000 Brussels) – see map
>>> Thursday 8 October 2015 – 20:00
>>> Free of charge

This year, the Polish Institute coordinates the project TRANSPOESIE with the French Alliance Brussels-Europe, the Balassi Institute, the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Mission of the Faroes Islands to the European Union on behalf of EUNIC Brussels (European Union National Institutes for Culture), the network of National Institutes for Culture in Belgium.

Scheduled Literature