29.01.2020 History

Meeting with Dr. Mordecai Paldiel

On January 29th, the Polish Institute in Brussels had the honor to host Dr. Mordecai Paldiel, former director of the Department of the Righteous Among the Nations at the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem, a lecturer at Yeshiva University and Queens College in New York, who gave a presentation about the activities of the Ładoś Group, also known as the Bernese Group. The lecture was preceded by a speech by Artur Orzechowski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Brussels and Agnieszka Bolecka, Director of the Polish Institute in Brussels.

Polish diplomats operating in Switzerland during World War II – Aleksander Ładoś, Konstanty Rokicki, Juliusz Kühl, Stanisław Ryniewicz – and representatives of Jewish organizations – Abraham Silberschein and Chaim Eiss – developed a system of illegal production of Latin American passports, aimed at saving European Jews.
Dr. Paldiel presented the structure of the Ładoś Group’s activities, emphasizing the humanitarian character of its operations and the key role played by Ambassador Ładoś.

The meeting was attended by numerous representatives of the diplomatic corps in Brussels, officials from the European Commission and the European Parliament, and representatives of the Jewish community in Belgium.

Scheduled History