18-12-2020 History

Communism was indefensible

BIO: French Member of the European Parliament (Renew Europe). In 1978-1980, jou...
13-12-2020 History

Common experiences bringing the countries of Central Europe together

Prof. Michel WIEVIORKA French sociologist, professor at the École des hautes Ã...
08-12-2020 Others

Zostań studentem College of Europe

Trwa nabór na studia w Kolegium Europejskim (College of Europe). Co roku, MSZ ...
03-12-2020 Others

Interview with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG "The EU tends to take its failures out on Poland...
24-11-2020 Others

Konkurs na stanowisko Dyrektora Polskiego Instytutu Spraw Międzynarodowych

  Minister Spraw Zagranicznych ogłosił konkurs na stanowisko Dyrektora Polsk...
16-11-2020 History

Foreign Service Day 2020

“As the Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Army, I hereby notify belligerent an...
30-10-2020 Arts

Art online – New portal of the National Museum in Warsaw

Masterpieces of Polish painting, sculpture and graphics, ancient wall paintings...
20-10-2020 Others

UN Week – 75 anniversary of the United Nations

The MFA organised a series of expert panels and an information and promotional ...
09-10-2020 History

Inauguration of the exhibition “John Paul II – Pope of Dialogue” at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Luxembourg

The exhibition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Karol W...