6.04.2024 - 27.04.2024 イベント, ビジュアルアート

エヴェリナ・スコヴロンスカ個展「Sitting by the well」


会場:工房 親 CHIKA(東京都渋谷区恵比寿2-21-3)

オープニングレセプション:4月6日(土) 16:00~19:00



The world is not solid as we think it is, and the more we are open to the gaps, the more wisdom can shine through” – Tsultrim Allione, “Women of Wisdom” “Sitting by the well” takes poetic inspiration from writings by Marion Woodman Jungian analyst, poet and writer. Symbolically well holds crucial significance of water, source of life, knowledge, wisdom, and all that is unconscious. Wells are often depicted as entrances to other realms or as portals between the earthly and spiritual worlds. They can symbolize transitions or passages from one state of being to another. This transformation is crucial to our existence on a biological level, as well as psychological. A change that allows us to look into the past as well as to the future, the one that helps to evolve, but usually frightens us the most. 

 For this exhibition, artist Ewelina Skowrońska utilizes natural plant dyes and silk to create a multilayered installation that will fill the gallery space. Drawing from the transmutative power of plants, the artist brings together all earthly elements to engage in an alchemical dance. The colors of nature, revealing themselves in hues of pinks, violets, and reds, compel us to feel and reflect deeply.

Come and sit with us by the well.



Ewelina Skowronska - sitting by the well
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