16.11.2015 Literature

Audience with poet, slammer and journalist Jaś KAPELA

The Chair of Polish of the Université Libre de Bruxelles is playing host to poet, slammer, prose writer and journalist Jaś KAPELA.  

“We can observe amongst young writers making their debut in the 21st century the perpetuation of this need for a new form of expression which was (already) making itself felt among writers who were already ‘part of the canon’”. It would seem that Czesław MIŁOSZ (1911-2004) was already talking about the need for a broader form (forma bardziej pojemna), a concept used for the first time in the definition of his Ars poetica and brought to life in Góry Parnasu, his unfinished work of science-fiction. The same goes for Jaś KAPELA, in his tireless pursuit of other textual forms which reflect the problems facing contemporary society (overconsumption, the isolation of the individual, the omnipresence of the screen) all of which have got people talking: pastiche, prose poem, pseudo-educational poem, provocation. Kapela is not someone who shies away from grappling with ‘difficult’ and ‘thankless’ topics. 
Jaś KAPELA is the author of two volumes of poetry, Reklama (“Advertising”, 2005) and Życie na gorąco (“Life Live”, 2007), as well as two novels, Stosunek seksualny nie istnieje (“Sexual intercourse does not exist”, 2008) and Janusz Hrystus (2010) and the reports Jak odebrałem dzieci Terlikowskiemu (“How I took away Terlikowski’s children”, 2011) and Dobry troll (“The good troll”, 2015). He is part of the group Krytyka Polityczna (Political Critique), which is an amalgamation of a publishing house, literary salon and  anti-establishment milieu which is sympathetic to both feminist critique and the new left.” (Dorota WALCZAK)

– Introduction to the event and presentation of the author by Prof. Dorota WALCZAK (ULB), head of the ULB Chair for Polish
– Interview with the author (in Polish with consecutive interpretation) by Dr Cécile BOCIANOWSKI (ULB)
– Drink  

>>> Maison des Arts de l’ULB (Solbosch Campus, building J56, avenue Jeanne 56, 1st floor) – see map 
>>> Monday 16 November 2015 – 19:00>21:00 
>>> Free entrance

Scheduled Literature