29.12.2019 Others


The 20th century brought the world inconceivable suffering and the deaths of hundreds of millions in the name of twisted, totalitarian ideologies. The death toll of Nazism, fascism and communism is obvious for people of our generation. It is also obvious who is responsible for those crimes and whose pact started World War II – the most murderous conflict in the history of humankind.

Unfortunately, the more time passes since these tragic events, the less our children and grandchildren know about them. That is why it is so important that we continue to speak the truth about World War II, its perpetrators and its victims, and to object to any attempts at distorting history.

For Poland – the war’s first victim – the memory of this evil is particularly salient. Our country was the first to experience the armed aggression of both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, and the first that fought in the defense of a free Europe.

However, resistance against these evil powers is a testament not only to Polish heroism – it is something vastly more important. This resistance is the legacy of the now free and democratic Europe that fought against two totalitarian regimes. Today, when certain individuals wish to trample the memory of these events in the name of their own political goals, Poland must stand up for the truth – not for its own interests, but for the sake of what defines Europe.

Read more: https://www.gov.pl/web/diplomacy/statement-by-the-prime-minister-of-poland-mateusz-morawiecki


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