30.09.2023 - 28.10.2023 Arts, Events, News

Zomertank 2023: performance workshops with Zorka Wollny and Tevin Mulumba in Leuven

This year Out of Sight and Werktank invite us to resist the autumn blues and prolong the summer vibes with the collaboration on the upcoming Zomertank 2023: ALL THAT WE HAVE HERE IS ALL THAT WE’VE ALWAYS HAD.

We will explore the link between arts, urbanism and architecture, and the possible social impacts that they can have on the way we form communities, live together and then go apart.

The event program includes numerous meetings with artists and creative collective activities. Among them are workshops with artist Zorka Wollny and rapper Tevin Mulumba titled “From 10 to 100”.

During the workshops, participants discover how to use their voices in a surprising way, creating rap bars and verses based on their personal experiences. Together with artist Zorka Wollny and rapper Tevin Mulumba, the participants work on verses about the neighborhood, which will be rapped in public spaces around Kessel-Lo on the opening day of Zomertank. Everyone above the age of 18 is welcome, regardless of their experience.


Meeting with artists: 30.09.2023, 14:00-18:00
Workshops: 19, 20, 23, 24, 27.10.2023, 18:00-20:30
Final performance: 28.10.2023, 18:00-19:30


Workshops: Ateliers Minnoye, Pieter Nollekensstraat 85, 3010 Kessel-Lo, Leuven
Final performance: in situ at Kessel-Lo

More info

Event supported by the Polish Institute Brussels.

Zorka Wollny (1980, born in Kraków, Poland) is a painter, performance artist, and filmmaker. She creates acoustic compositions for institutions, factories and empty buildings. Her works have been presented worldwide, including at Chicago Architecture Biennial; Biennale in Porto Allegre; De Appel, Amsterdam; Heroines of Sound Festival, Berlin; International Studio and Curatorial Program, New York etc. Read more.






Tevin Mulumba is a producer, rapper, writer, mixing and recording engineer, workshop organizer, and curator based in Belgium.






Follow www.out-of-sight.be and www.werktank.org
and check out the full Zomertank 2023 programme

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