Poetry Evening: Ewa Lipska in Conversation with Alicja Gęścińska in Antwerp
Join us for the premiere of the most extensive anthology so far of Ewa Lipska’s poems in Dutch. This collection of 100 poems by Lipska – Poland’s leading contemporary poet – was translated by Belgian translators René Smets, Maarten Tengbergen, and Kris Heuckelom. The anthology, “Averij aan de wereld”, will be published in June 2024 by Uitgeverij P. (Polish – Dutch bilingual edition).
Ewa Lipska (born 1945) has been awarded various literary prizes and her books have been translated into fifteen languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Swedish and Hebrew. Some of her collections have appeared in the Netherlands: “Mensen voor beginners” (De Geus, 2000, translated by K. Lesman & A. van Rijsewijk) and “Splinter” (De Geus, 2007).

Alicja Gęścińska & Ewa Lipska (photo: Danuta Węgiel)
Alicja Gęścińska (born 1981), a Polish-Belgian philosopher and writer, will host the conversation with the poet. This is a unique opportunity to hear Ewa Lipska discuss her work and insights. Additionally, the artist herself will read a selection of her poetry, offering a personal connection to her creative process. The conversation between Ewa Lipska and Alicja Gęścińska will be published in the summer issue of Poëziekrant, Belgium’s most important magazine dedicated to Dutch and translated poetry.
The event will also feature two intermezzi blending Lipska’s poetry and music, performed by Katharina Smets and Tim Vandenbergh.
At the end, Leo Peeraer, publisher of Uitgeverij P., will present Ewa Lipska with the first copy of the new anthology. Afterward, Lipska will be signing her books.
The meeting will be conducted in Polish, with simultaneous translation into Dutch provided by students from KU Leuven’s postgraduate conference interpreting program. The event will take place in the impressive, newly renovated library at the Campus Opera of KU Leuven University.
Poetry Evening: Ewa Lipska in Conversation with Alicja Gęścińska
June 1, 2024
Campus Opera
Jezusstraat 26-28, 2000 Antwerp
Check the program and register
Katharina Smets (born 1984) – Polish-Belgian radio producer and professor audio storytelling at the School of Arts Royal Conservatoire in Antwerp
Tim Vandenbergh (born 1976) – Belgian musician – contemporary music: pop, rock/alternative, bass guitar, double bass
The project of translating the anthology was realized within the framework of the translation program of the Instytut Książki ©POLAND Translation Program.