24-03-2021 History

The 60th anniversary of the discovery of paintings of the cathedral in Faras (Sudan) by Polish archaeologists

The fascinating collection of ancient Nubian art from Faras, discovered and sav...
18-03-2021 Others

POLONISTA – scholarship and fellowship programme

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has announced the call ...
12-03-2021 Arts

Bruges Triennial: Joanna Malinowska and C.T. Jasper

From 8 May to 26 September 2021, Bruges will again be the setting for Bruges Tr...
05-03-2021 History

The Polish National Day of Remembrance of Poles Rescuing Jews under German Occupation

At the height of the Second World War, the Nazi regime murdered millions of Jew...
25-02-2021 Events

A lingering past: Jakub Małecki and Alicja Gescinska @ Passa Porta Festival

Jakub Małecki (b. 1982) is still a well-kept secret in our part of the world,...
16-02-2021 Others

Become a Polish language teacher at the University of Mons!

As part of the Lecturers Programme, every year the National Agency for Academic...
15-02-2021 Events


https://youtu.be/U6VlkjseVRo The Visegrad Group was established as an al...
14-02-2021 History

30th anniversary of the Visegrad cooperation

Thirty years ago, on 15 February 1991, the presidents of Poland and the Cz...
12-02-2021 Others

We are looking for a new talent — Project & communication manager

We are looking for a new talent to join our team as a project and communication...