12.01.2024 - 30.01.2024 Știri

Call for applications Thesaurus Poloniae Fellowship Programme – 29th edition

Until 30 January 2024 the International Cultural Centre of Cracow collects applications for the 29th edition of the Thesaurus Poloniae Fellowship Programme. The initiative is addressed to foreign researchers of culture and heritage of Poland and Central Europe.

Foreign researchers in the fields of history, art history, sociology, ethnography, cultural anthropology, and other related sciences may apply for the scholarship. The programme is implemented in two categories: the Senior Programme for PhD-hold professors and academic lecturers and the Junior Programme for PhD students.
A single stay is three months. A qualified participant receives a scholarship (PLN 4,500 for participants of the Senior Programme and PLN 3,500 for participants of the Junior Programme per month) and a one-time grant, paid together with the first scholarship, for the purchase of books and scientific aids (PLN 1,500).
The participants are invited to use the ICC library, the reading room of which is equipped with computer stations with Internet access. The ICC offers assistance in reaching archives and libraries, as well as the educational and research offer of Krakow’s scientific and cultural institutions. Scholarship holders are provided with an independent, fully equipped apartment in the city center.
Persons interested in applying for the Thesaurus Poloniae scholarship are asked to send, within the above-mentioned times, to the address of the ICC: CV, recommendations of two academic tutors in the case of applying for participation in the Junior Programme and an essay presenting the assumptions of the research programme, which is planned to be carried out during the stay in the ICC (up to 500 words). Please send documents in electronic form to the following address: thesaurus@mck.krakow.pl or by post to:
Program stypendialny Thesaurus Poloniae
Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury
Rynek Główny 25
31-008 Kraków

More details here.

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Scheduled Știri

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