Joanna Urbańska – completed her studies in Hungarian Philology in Poland (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań) and in Hungary (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest). She has been working as a specialist translator on technical as well as literary texts for many years. She continues to actively support building and promoting a strong relationship between Poland and Hungary in the fields of art and culture. The main focus of her interest is history and literature. Since 2018 director of the Polish Institute in Budapest.










Malgorzata Takácshas been Film and Exhibiton Specialist at the Institute since 1996.






Wojtek Kriston – has been Music, Theater and Dance Specialist at the Institute since 1996.












Tímea Jerger has been Visual Arts Specialist and curator of the Platan Gallery at the Institute since 2002.








Mária Békey – has been our Librarian since 2009. 






Elżbieta Forusińska-Hamar – has been Head Secretary at the Institute since 1996.












Endre Máté has been the Institute’s driver since 2006.












Zoltán Véber – has been working at the Institute as a technician since 2007.












Eszter Felvidéki – has been Communications & PR Specialist at the Institute since 2010, and, in addition, Literature Specialist since 2013. Currently on maternity leave.