“Equal to Equal, Free to free”
Polish Institute in Kyiv, Embassy of the Lithuanian Republic in Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine of the NASU, H. Udovenko Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Ukraine, Scientific Society of History of Diplomacy and International Relations, Representation of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kyiv invite you to an International scientific conference, devoted to the 450th anniversary of the Union “«Equal to Equal, Free to free»: The Union of Lublin of 1569 in the history of Central-Eastern Europe”.
Historians from Belarus (prof. Alaksandr Kraucevich), Germany (prof. Mathias Niendorf), Lithuania (prof. Alfredas Bumblauskas, dr Genutė Kirkienė), Poland (prof. Andrzej Gil, dr. habil. Henryk Litwin, prof. Dorota Michaluk, dr Dominik Szulc), Ukraine (prof. Petro Kulakovskyi, prof. Natalia Starchenko, prof. Vasyl Ulianovskyi, dr. habil. Dmytro Vyrskii) and United Kingdom (prof. Karin Friedrich, prof. Robert Frost) will take part in the conference.
Prof. Viktor Horobets, dr. habil. Henryk Litwin and prof. Natalia Yakovenko will be the moderators of the conference.
Conference will be opened by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andriy Zayats, Ambassador of Poland to Ukraine Bartosz Cichocki, Ambasador of Lithuania to Ukraine Marius Janukonis, Head of Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Ukraine Serhiy Korsunskiy and Head of NSAU Institute of History of Ukraine Valeriy Smoliy.
The simultaneously translation will work during the conference.
The conference will take place in H. Udovenko Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of Ukraine (Velyka Zhytomyrska Str., 2) on May, 24th, 2019. The beginning of the conference is at 9 a. m., the participants registration starts from 8.30.
The dead-line for the registration (by e-mail: natalia.bankewycz@instytutpolski.org) is May, 21st, 2019. Please indicate your name / surname, position / institution, e-mail and phone number.
The Final Programme is available