15.09.2023 ポーランド関連コラム

Polish Superstar of Astronomy

ポーランドの天文学のスーパースターの 1 つを見てみましょう。これは、欧州宇宙機関のミッション「ロゼッタ」の一環としてポーランドの科学者によって建造され、彗星の内部を探査することを目的としています。
無重力環境で彗星を掘るのはまるで不可能なミッションのように思えますか? 🇵🇱の科学者やMUPUS (表面および地下科学用の多目的センサー) には向きません。 着陸船フィラエに設置されたこのポーランド製の地質測定器は、2014 年にチュリモフ・ゲラシメンコ彗星 67P の表面に接触しました。見た目はハンマーに少し似ており、太陽系で最も謎に満ちた天体の 1 つへ入り込み、興味深い洞察をもたらしました。
#PolishSuperstarsOfAstronomy と一緒にチェックしてみてくださいね!

On International Asteroid Day let’s have a look at one of the Polish Superstars of Astronomy – a mechanical device, constructed by Polish scientists as a part of the European Space Agency’s mission Rosetta, with the aim to explore the interior of a comet for the first time ever!
Digging into a comet in a gravity free environment seems like an impossible mission? Not for the 🇵🇱 scientists and MUPUS – Multi-Purpose Sensors for Surface and Subsurface Science. This Polish-made geological instrument installed on a lander Philae touched the surface of Comet 67P/Churymov-Gerasimenko in 2014. Looking a bit like a hammer, it enabled the penetration of one of the most mysterious objects in the Solar System and provided insight to its thermal and physical properties.
Such an amazing step in space exploration with the Polish contribution!
Check it out together with #PolishSuperstarsOfAstronomy!

#月の国際デー に際して、宇宙旅行への一歩を切り拓いた科学者をご紹介します。ヨハネス・へヴェリウス(ポーランド語ではJan Heweliusz)は、醸造所を営む家庭で生まれ、🍋 の栽培、 🔭の制作、数学に長けた17世紀のポーランド天文学のスーパースターです。 #polishsuperstarofastronomy
On #InternationalMoonDay meet a scientist who made proper space exploration possible. Johannes Hevelius was a man of many talents: brewer,🍋 grower, 🔭 builder, mathematician and 17th century #PolishSuperstarOfAstronomy.
In his homemade observatory on a rooftop in Gdańsk, he drafted the first precision maps of the 🌙. No wonder he’s called a founder of lunar topography! He also discovered and named 10 constellations, including Leo Minor and Sextans. Seven of these names were approved by the International Astronomical Union and are still used today!
After Hevelius’ death, his wife Elisabeth completed his last work– an atlas of 1,500 stars! To honour her contribution, a small planet and a crater on Venus were named ‘Koopman’, Elizabeth’s maiden name.
Check it out!

ミエチスワフ・ベッカーは第二次世界大戦後、渡米してモーターエンジニアとして活躍。 #NASA が凸凹して砂の多い #月 🌕の上でも重いものを運べるような車輪を公募した際、彼の発明が見事選ばれました。この車輪は #アポロ号 の3度のミッションで使用されました🤗 #polishsuperstarsofastronomy
52 years ago, Apollo 15 landed on the 🌙! It was the first mission to use the Lunar Roving Vehicle while exploring the surface. Also called the ‘Moon buggy’, the LRV was an extremely complex piece of engineering. However, not for a #PolishSuperstarOfAstronomy – Prof. Mieczysław Bekker!
Since early childhood, Prof. Mieczysław Bekker was fascinated by the solar system and dreamt of making his mark on the moon. The dream became reality in 1961 when NASA launched a competition for an all-terrain vehicle to be sent to the moon. The winner was General Motors, where Bekker was lead engineer.
His revolutionary design for the rover’s wire mesh wheels allowed the LRV to negotiate the moon’s rocky, dusty surface while hauling a load twice its own weight. Apparently, he got the idea from how kitchen strainers sift flour! Bekker’s surprising solution earned him a well-deserved place in the history of space exploration.

星降る夜に、ロザリア・シャフラニエツと一緒に空を見上げてみましょう!数学者で宇宙研究者の #polishsuperstarofastronomy は、実は天空のことを学んだことはありませんでした。1960年代、5万もの日食星観測をして世界記録を持ち、この種の2つの星を発見しました。 シャフラニエツと彼女の情熱の間に割って入るものは何もありませんでした。冬に望遠鏡の氷のように冷たい接眼レンズに顔を押し当てて深刻な凍傷になっても彼女は気に留めず、適切に治療する代わりに、目出し帽をかぶって観測を続けました。そうなると、彼女が科学者なのか、プロの強盗なのか誰にも分かりませんでした。 彼女の大学の友人たちは、彼女のことをRosa Volansと呼んでいました。どうしてでしょう?動画でチェック✅

On the Night of Shooting Stars look up at the sky with Rozalia Szafraniec! A mathematician, astronomer and great #PolishSuperstarOfAstronomy who never tired of studying the heavens. In the 1960’s, she held the world record for eclipse star observation with a score of 50,000! She even discovered 2 new stars of this type. Nothing came between Szafraniec and her passion. Not even a serious case of frostbite, which she got from pressing her face against the ice-cold eyepiece of her telescope in winter. Instead of treating it properly, she continued her observations wearing a menacing-looking balaclava with small holes cut out for her eyes. Nobody could tell then whether she was a scientist or a professional burglar. Her university colleagues used to call her “Rosa Volans”. Wonder why? Check it out!

Scheduled ポーランド関連コラム