4.05.2023 Aktuelles

Global Asymmetries in Art & Culture MOBILITY: PRIVILEGE AND PROBLEM 


May 4th 2023, 9am – 5pm
Fanny Hensel Saal, Anton-von-Webern Platz 1
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien


What does mobility mean for cultural workers and artists? Who has opportunities to move from place to place and who does not? What are the working and living realities of EU third-country nationals in Austria? How can social and ecological justice play a role in this?

In the joint event „Mobility: Privilege and Problem“ we bring together actors – from academia, civil society, politics and administration – on the topic of mobility in art & culture in the context of global asymmetries. Working groups in World Café format as well as a public discussion will enable a condensation of the topic across disciplines and open up space for critical engagement with 
mobility regimes.

An event organized by the Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies (mdw), the Austrian Commission for UNESCO, and IG Bildende Kunst.

Organisational Team: Seo-Young Cho, Vasilena Gankovska, Andrea Glauser, Klara Koštal, Anke Schad-Spindler

Register here until April 30th. Participation is free of charge!



9.00 Reception

9.30 WelcomeRemarks
Gerda Müller (MDW), Martin Fritz (ÖUK) & Vasilena Gankovska (IG Bildende Kunst) 

9.50 Keynote by Monika Mokre
On the Right to Leave and the Right to Stay

10.30 Workinggroups
Group I: Visa, Employment, Residence
Group II: Data as a Policy Tool

12.00 Lunch break

13.00 Keynote by Khadija El Bennaoui
Beyond Old Geographies and New Movements

13.40 Workinggroups
Group I: Climate Crisis & Mobility in Art & Culture: Experience, Challenges, & Perspectives
Group II: Forced Mobilities: Arriving and Thinking Ahead

15.15 Panel discussion
Sharing and reflecting of results from the working group discussions

16.30 Closing

Further information can be found in detailed program.

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