11.04.2014 Debate, Events, Аrt

New display of Faras Collection in the National Museum in Warsaw

Faras Collection is the most significant collection of the National Museum in Warsaw. It includes the objects found during UNESCO-led excavation in Sudan in 1961-1964. Due to international efforts coordinated by Prof. Kazimierz Michalowski, deputy director of the National Museum in Warsaw, dozens of archaeological expeditions had saved hundreds of items that were later sent to the Warsaw Museum and formed the Nubian Collection. You can learn more about the principles of formation of the concept and display of the Faras Collection at the lecture in the National Art Museum of Ukraine from its author. 

Doctor Alfred Twardecki. Author of numerous studies and books on ancient Greece, holder of scholarships of the Kazimierz Michalowski Center of Mediterranean Archaeology of the Warsaw University and Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (German Service of Academic Exchanges), guest of École française d’Athènes (French School in Athens). 

11 April
National Art Museum of Ukraine, Hrushevskoho st., 6. Lecture begins at 16:00. To visit the lecture, you must register at: education@namu.kiev.ua

Scheduled Debate Events Аrt