18.11.2014 - 21.11.2014 Events, Literature

Presentation of the anthology of Janusz Głowacki’s plays “The Highest Buildings, The Deepest Graves” with the participation of the translator Oleksandr Irvanets

“Some plays from the “The Highest Buildings, The Deepest Graves” collection have already been produced on theater stages of Ukraine. Some people saw them. However, these were probably not all who honors Głowacki’s works. And more people can potentially like them. Thus it is worth to take the “The Highest Buildings, The Deepest Graves” collection in your hands and begin to read. You will enjoy it, really. Especially if you “turn on” your imagination…”

Petro Kraliuk “The Realias are Unchanged: Ukrainian Reading of Janusz Głowacki’s plays”.

18 November
19 November
Oleh Olzhych Zhytomyr Oblast Universal Scientific Library
20 November
Dubno College of the Rivne State Humanitarian University
21 November
Lesia Ukrainka East European National University

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