03-04-2019 Debate

Centrala Architecture Studio in Kharkiv 🗺

We would like to invite you to participate in the three-day workshop of Cen...
28-03-2019 Debate

Architecture and Theater: The Impossibility of The Possible 🗺

How has the role of the viewer changed in contemporary theater? What about the r...
23-03-2019 Events

200th Аnniversary of Stanisław Moniuszko 🗺

A concert dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Stanisław Moniuszko will take p...
22-03-2019 Cinema

Docudays UА Festival 🗺

Traditional viewings of Polish films will be held as part of the International F...
19-03-2019 Events

“Janusz Korczak: Sculptor of Children’s Souls” 🗺

The book of Marcia Talmage Schneider “Janusz Korczak: Sculptor of Children's ...
12-03-2019 Cinema

Meeting in memory of Professor Zbigniew Religa 🗺

10 years ago, on March 8, 2009, a legendary Polish doctor, cardiac surgeon Zbign...
03-03-2019 Events

“Rozdilovi” 🗺

To listen to and to read poetry in the original language that you don’t know a...
21-02-2019 Cinema

Krzysztof Zanussi: “Ether” 🗺

“Ether”, a mystery thriller from cult-favorite director Krzysztof Zanussi, w...
16-02-2019 Events

“The Potion of Anility” 🗺

On February 16 and 17. 2019, at 16:00 the Malyi Theater invites you for the GRAN...