02-05-2014 Events

Polish bands at the 12th International Festival “Lviv Weathercocks”

May 2, Friday – Miąższ band May 3, Saturday –...
27-04-2014 Events

Polish com­poser Ali­cja Gro­nau at the International Contemporary Art Festival TWO DAYS AND TWO NIGHTS OF NEW MUSIC

Ali­cja Gro­nau, a com­poser, the­o­reti­cian of music and ped­a­gogue....
25-04-2014 Events

Duo Performance of the Dada von Bzdülöw Theater at the International Contemporary Dance Theater Festival ZELYONKA-FEST1.4

Leader of the Polish dance theater Dada von Bzdülöw Leszek Bzdyl be...
18-04-2014 Cinema

“Unknown Polanski” film weekend

A film weekend "The Unknown Polanski", dedicated to one of the most controversi...
15-04-2014 Debate

The date of the “European experience: Poland” project is changed

We want to inform you that the project "Jerzy Stempien – guest of the project...
15-04-2014 Events

Exhibition of Piotr Kunce’s posters “Seriousness is the Enemy of Fantasy”

The exhibition of the Polish maitre of the poster art, professor of the Krako...
12-04-2014 Debate

Presentation of the book “Images of Bruno Schulz” at the “Book Arsenal”

The book "Images of Bruno Schulz" published by the "Dukh I Litera" pu...
11-04-2014 Events

Concerts of pianist Katarzyna Wasiak

Katarzyna Wasiak was born in Zielona Góra, Poland to a musical family. Sh...
11-04-2014 Events

Writer Joanna Jagiełło at the International Festival “Book Arsenal”

Joanna Jagiełło is a writer and journalist. She is the author of youth n...