4.12.2022 News

80th anniversary of establishing “Żegota” Council to Aid Jews

“Żegota” - the only state organisation in Europe whose aim was to help Jews – was established on December 4th, 1942 thanks to a financial support by the Polish Government in Exile and worldwide Jewish organisations

“Żegota” – the only state organisation in Europe whose aim was to help Jews – was established on December 4th, 1942 thanks to a financial support

by the Polish Government in Exile and worldwide Jewish organisations

It was the most important conspiratorial organization whose aim would be to rescue Jews from the Holocaust in occupied Poland, mainly in Warsaw, Cracow and Lviv.

It operated until 1945. Its members, all volunteers, specialized i.a. in search for hiding locations in the so-called “Aryan side” of the German occupation zone, creation and distribution of

false documents or delivery of food, medicines or money to hiding Jews in need.

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of establishing “Żegota” Council to Aid Jews, the POLIN Museum brings up the story of one of the organization’s members

Maurycy Herling-Grudziński.

The POLIN Museum core exhibition features keepsakes related to his activities in “Żegota”.

More information in English on the POLIN Museum’s website

and in Polish on at the Polish Righteous portal run by POLIN Museum




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