20.12.2022 News

40 th anniversary of Artur Rubinstein’s death

December 20 marks the 40 th anniversary of the death of the great Jewish-Polish pianist Artur Rubinstein, rightly considered one of the greatest pianists of the 20 th century

December 20 marks the 40 th anniversary of the death of the great Jewish-Polish pianist Artur Rubinstein (1887 – 1982) 

rightly considered one of the greatest pianists of the 20 th century.

His interpretations of Fryderyk Chopin`s important works have gained worldwide recognition. As a native of Łódź, Rubinstein spent most

of his life in the USA and gained international fame. Later in his life, he became known as one of the most outstanding pianists

of recent years.

He treated the piano as a cure for depression and heartbreak, and once even took part in a piano competition in St. Petersburg, thus

breaking the law prohibiting Jews from staying in the Russian capital for more than one day.

Artur Rubinstein liked Israel and performed several times with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, without receiving any payment for such

cooperation. He was a personal friend of the Mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kolek, and after his death, according to his will, the

pianist`s ashes were buried in the Rubinstein Forest located near Jerusalem.

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