17.01.2021 History

Where are we from? – Cultural Historical Project

Where are we from? is a cultural-historical project led by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage

Where are we from? is a cultural-historical project led by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage

which originate from the Fund of The Promotion of Culture.

The project includes a performance which is based on interviews with families – stories of 20 families from Poland from West Pomerania.

For the performance

The managers of this project asked 20 families these questions:

Do you know where you from?
Do you know the history of your family?

This seemingly simple question often brings family anecdotes, sometimes dramatic answers about difficult choices,

often stories not black and white at all.

The project aims that this research will inspire families to seeking for an answer to the questions:

where are we from, what did our family participate in, how did they dress, live, what traditions they had, what kind of culinary?


The project was implemented by an Association Czas Przestrzeń Tożsamość from Szczecin.


For the project`s website 

The website in Hebrew

Scheduled History

Conference dedicated to women who cooperated with

Conference dedicated to Stefania Wilczyńska, Maria Falska and Maria Grzegorzewska - women who cooperated with Janusz Korczak on his pedagogical path
26 05.2024 History

Seminar marking the 80th anniversary of the

We invite you to the seminar marking the 80th anniversary of the the Łódź Ghetto Liquidation that will take place at the Haifa University on 7 May 2024. During the event lecturers from Poland and Israel will present lectures on various subjects related to the history of the Łódź Ghetto
26 04.2024 Events, History

Invitation for a Zoom event with Nili

Zoom event that is dedicated to the international “Warsaw Ghetto Uprising” campaign that is currently taking place in Poland and Israel which aims to commemorate the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and its heroes.
17 04.2024 Events, History