5.10.2021 Film, History

The Lubliners

An evening devoted to Ten Lublin by Andrzej Titkow, a documentary film, a result of three years of exploring the past Jewish community of Lublin and those who can tell its stories

An evening devoted to Ten Lublin by Andrzej Titkow.

On Tuesday October 5th at 19:00 the Tel Aviv Cinematheque will screen Ten Lublin – A documentary film which is the crowning achievement of three years of efforts during which film director Andrzej Titkow explores the past Jewish community of Lublin and those who can tell its stories.

The screening will be followed by a discussion with the director (currently in Poland, the panel will be online).

RSVP – Please pre-register to the event until September 28 by sending an email to – polish.institute@gmail.com     


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