25.03.2022 Tourism

Podlaskie as a tourist attraction  

A meeting focusing on the tourism potential of the Podlaskie region in Poland led by blogger and tour guide Adam Koren who will introduce many ideas to how best enjoy this part of Poland this summer

Podlaskie as a tourist attraction  

A meeting focusing on the tourism potential of the Podlaskie region in Poland led by blogger and tour guide Adam Koren who will introduce many tips and ideas to how best enjoy this lovely part of Poland this summer.  

The meeting will be held via zoom on March 25 at 11 a.m. (Friday)  

It will be led by blogger, photographer, and tourism expert Adam Koren  

We will discuss colorful markets, important cultural events, children oriented activities and more.  

The event will be held in Hebrew.  

Admission is free. Register via –  telaviv.librarian@instytutpolski.pl    


Scheduled Tourism

Summer in Poland – a tourist lecture

The lecture will be led by Tamir Goldberg from the Polish Tourism Organization, who will provide many ideas for routes, attractions and cultural events in the summer season
31 05.2024 Tourism

Warsaw and its surroundings – a tourist

The lecture will be led by Daniela Signer, who will provide many ideas for routes and attractions for families in the spring and summer season
14 04.2023 Tourism