3.04.2023 History

Anders army – a new exhibition

A new exhibition that will open at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center will expose the heroic story of Anders' army, brought to Israel by the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland

A new exhibition about the heroic story of the Polish Anders Army will get opened soon at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center

Menachem Begin – the 6th Prime Minister of Israel, Israeli politician, an activist of the Beitar movement, and a Nobel Peace Prize winner – arrived with in Palestine with Anders’ Army.

This is one of many heroic and extraordinary stories that connects Poland and Israel. More about the Władysław Anders’ Army and its ties with the Independent Israel will be available soon

during the exhibition to be presented in the coming months at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, in Jerusalem. The exhibition was prepared by the Institute of National Remembrance in

Poland, and in Israel it will be enriched with unique photographs from the archives of the Begin Center.

Representatives of the delegation of the Institute of National Remembrance, the Polish Institute Tel Aviv and representatives of the Menachem Begin Heritage Center – the host of the meeting,

which took place on April 3 in Jerusalem – discussed the exhibition and other future joint projects.

Due to the approaching 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the participants of the meeting commemorated the heroes of the Uprising with a yellow daffodil – a symbol of the

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

The delegation of the Institute of National Remembrance: Dr. Mateusz Szpytma – deputy chairman, Dr. Kinga Czechowska, Jolanta Nowak. Menachem Begin Heritage Center representatives: Herzel Makov- director, Ariel Morali, Yossi Suede, Rami Shtivi. The Polish Institute in Tel Aviv was represented by: Anna Raduchowska-Brochwicz- deputy director, Julia Mackiewicz.



Scheduled History

Conference dedicated to women who cooperated with

Conference dedicated to Stefania Wilczyńska, Maria Falska and Maria Grzegorzewska - women who cooperated with Janusz Korczak on his pedagogical path
26 05.2024 History

Seminar marking the 80th anniversary of the

We invite you to the seminar marking the 80th anniversary of the the Łódź Ghetto Liquidation that will take place at the Haifa University on 7 May 2024. During the event lecturers from Poland and Israel will present lectures on various subjects related to the history of the Łódź Ghetto
26 04.2024 Events, History

Invitation for a Zoom event with Nili

Zoom event that is dedicated to the international “Warsaw Ghetto Uprising” campaign that is currently taking place in Poland and Israel which aims to commemorate the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and its heroes.
17 04.2024 Events, History