19.06.2024 News

Visit at the Monastery of Notre Dame du Mont Carmel

Visit at the Monastery of Notre Dame du Mont Carmel and conversation about the Polish Institute's activities

The Acting Director of the Polish Institute in Tel Aviv, Mrs. Anna Raduchowska-Brochwicz, at the invitation of the Carmelite Sisters, visited the Monastery of Notre Dame du Mont Carmel. The meeting was the opportunity to tell the Sisters about the Polish Institute’s activity in Israel and ongoing projects. On the other hand, the Sisters presented their mission in the Holy Land. A moving conversation based on many years of experience confirmed the purposefulness and need to be guided by universal principles and values, regardless of country of origin, ethnicity or religion.

Director A. Raduchowska-Brochwicz expressed her deep appreciation for the Carmelite Sisters from the Convent of Notre Dame du Mont Carmel for their invitation and inspiring actions.

Scheduled News

The enrollment for the year 2024/25 to

The Enrollment for the year 2024/25 to Polish Schools abroad, including the school in Tel Aviv, is underway!
27 06.2024 News

Meeting with the Polish Diaspora Association “Piast”

Meeting with the Polish Diaspora Association "Piast" dedicated to future cooperation
19 06.2024 News

M.A. scholarship program in Poland 🗓

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is opening the registration to the scholarship program for the next academic year 2024/2025
17 06.2024 25 06.2024 News