27.06.2024 News

The enrollment for the year 2024/25 to Polish Schools abroad

The Enrollment for the year 2024/25 to Polish Schools abroad, including the school in Tel Aviv, is underway!

If you’re a Polish citizen and live abroad, you can ensure that your child will get free education in Polish, a high level of teaching, with modern equipment and a school certificate.

Check the details 

Scheduled News

Visit at the Monastery of Notre Dame

Visit at the Monastery of Notre Dame du Mont Carmel and conversation about the Polish Institute's activities
19 06.2024 News

Meeting with the Polish Diaspora Association “Piast”

Meeting with the Polish Diaspora Association "Piast" dedicated to future cooperation
19 06.2024 News

M.A. scholarship program in Poland 🗓

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is opening the registration to the scholarship program for the next academic year 2024/2025
17 06.2024 25 06.2024 News