05-07-2024 News

Announcement of the post of director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs

Minister of Foreign Affairs published an announcement of the post of director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs

Minister of Foreign Affairs published an announcement of the post of director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs.

The documents should be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a closed envelope (from 08:15 to 16:15) or sent by post by August 16, 2024.


More details about requirements (in Polish)


Additional information regarding the recruitment and salary can be obtained from:

  • the Polish Institute of International Affairs – pism@pism.pl;
  • the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – konkursy.rekrutacja@msz.gov.pl 

New edition of the competition for an

The 5th edition of the international competition for an illustrated children's book project CLAIRVOYANTS 2024
01 07.2024 News

The enrollment for the year 2024/25 to

The Enrollment for the year 2024/25 to Polish Schools abroad, including the school in Tel Aviv, is underway!
27 06.2024 News

Visit at the Monastery of Notre Dame

Visit at the Monastery of Notre Dame du Mont Carmel and conversation about the Polish Institute's activities
19 06.2024 News