Event commemorating the International Holocaust Remembrance Day

We invite you to an event commemorating the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which will be held on Monday, January 22, 2024, at the Mashmaut Center, 12 Hashmonaim St., Kiryat Motzkin.
22 01.2024 Events, History

The Polish Institute Tel Aviv welcomes the new year with the Polish Cultural Heroes Series (Polish Masterclass Series) with the Polish author Marek Hł

Join us for a conversation with film director Zvika Gregory Fortney who will screen parts of a new documentary about Hłasko called Chamsin that describes his life in Israel in the 1950s. Hear from the literary critic Julia Parmento why she loves Hłasko's writing so much and learn from the film director Uri Bar On what is unique about this non-Jewish Pole, who came to Israel and fell in love with it and its people during very difficult times. Actor Yohakin Friedlander will read selected excerpts from the writer's work.
19 01.2024 Events, Literature

Participate in a translation workshop for Polish speakers!

The workshop will include lectures from four experts in the field of translation and literature from Israel and Poland and aims to deepen knowledge and broaden the horizons of anyone interested in translating Polish literature into Hebrew.
15 12.2023 Events, Hebrew translations of Polish literature, Literature

A Literary event with Hila Timur-Ashur.

We invite you to a literary gathering with Hila Timur-Ashur, an Israeli documentary filmmaker, author, and journalist dedicated to her book "Crust of Bread".
12 12.2023 Events, Literature

Join our online live stream panel!

Following our first episode of the podcast, where we discussed Nicolaus Copernicus and his revolutionary mathematical theory that changed our perception of the universe, on Friday, December 8, we will host at the Polish Institute Tel Aviv a Live Stream event!
08 12.2023 Events, Science

‘Death for Humanity. The Ulma Family’ Exhibition

The Polish Institute Tel Aviv and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Israel, invite you to take part in the 'Death for Humanity. The Ulma Family' exhibition.
03 12.2023 17 12.2023 Events, History